Letter from potential teacher [Miss Minnie McGee] to Secretary of the Board of Trustees Ashburn Public Schools requesting position (August 1, 1930)

Letter from potential teacher [Miss Minnie McGee] to Secretary of the Board of Trustees Ashburn Public Schools requesting position - August 1, 1930 1.jpg
Letter from potential teacher [Miss Minnie McGee] to Secretary of the Board of Trustees Ashburn Public Schools requesting position - August 1, 1930 2.jpg
Letter from potential teacher [Miss Minnie McGee] to Secretary of the Board of Trustees Ashburn Public Schools requesting position - August 1, 1930 envelope.jpg

Dublin Core


Letter from potential teacher [Miss Minnie McGee] to Secretary of the Board of Trustees Ashburn Public Schools requesting position (August 1, 1930)


Postmarked: August 1, 1930
2 cents postage stamp

Address to: Secretary of the Board of Trustees
Ashburn Public Schools


August 1, 1930


“Letter from potential teacher [Miss Minnie McGee] to Secretary of the Board of Trustees Ashburn Public Schools requesting position (August 1, 1930),” Turner County Project Digital Archive Repository, accessed March 10, 2025, http://turnercountyproject.com/archive/items/show/27.


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