Westview Cemetery

Over 1000 memorials can be found in Westview Cemetery located on Son Story Rd in Ashburn, GA. This cemetery was established in 1973 but what is interesting is you can find some memorials dated long…

Golden Peanut

A staple of Ashburn since 1986. This is a view of the facility on Son Story Rd. In Ashburn, GA Date: December 10, 2024

Tomato Sandwhich

Raise your hand if you have had one of these sandwiches before? Nothing quite like a tomato sandwich. The perfect one has mayo, a good thick tomato slice, and salt & pepper! Do you make…

Hodge King (1914-1999)

As we celebrate Black History Month, we take this opportunity to reflect on the remarkable contributions of Black leaders who have shaped our community. One such individual is Hodge King, a dedicated educator and community…