Letter from Alice Tharpe to F.M. Tison accepting position (April 21, 1934)

Letter from teacher [Alice Tharpe] to FM Tison accepting position - April 21, 1934.jpg
Letter from teacher [Alice Tharpe] to FM Tison accepting position - April 21, 1934 envelope.jpg

Dublin Core


Letter from Alice Tharpe to F.M. Tison accepting position (April 21, 1934)


Ashburn, Georgia
April 21, 1934

Mr. F.M. Tison,
Secretary Ashburn Board of Education,
Ashburn, Georgia.

Dear Mr. Tison,

I wish to express my appreciation to the Board of Education for my reelection as fifth grade teacher of the Ashburn School for the 1934-35 term. I shall put forth every effort to do work that will be satisfactory to the Board and the patrons of the school.

Yours very truly,
Alice Tharpe


April 21, 1934


“Letter from Alice Tharpe to F.M. Tison accepting position (April 21, 1934),” Turner County Project Digital Archive Repository, accessed March 10, 2025, http://turnercountyproject.com/archive/items/show/30.


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