Letter from Annelle T. Murphy to Mr. F.M. Tison accepting position (April 11, 1934)

Letter from teacher [Anelle T. Murphy] to FM Tison accepting position - April 11, 1934.jpg
Letter from teacher [Anelle T. Murphy] to FM Tison accepting position - April 11, 1934 envelope.jpg

Dublin Core


Letter from Annelle T. Murphy to Mr. F.M. Tison accepting position (April 11, 1934)


Ashburn, GA.,
April 11, 1934.

Mr. F.M. Tison,
Ashburn, Ga.

My dear Mr. Tison,

I wish to acknowledge the receipt of your letter advising me of my re-election to teach piano in the Ashburn High School.

I accept this offer with pleasure and hope that we may have a pleasant and profitable year together.

Very Sincerely Yours,
Annelle T. Murphy.


April 11, 1934


“Letter from Annelle T. Murphy to Mr. F.M. Tison accepting position (April 11, 1934),” Turner County Project Digital Archive Repository, accessed March 10, 2025, http://turnercountyproject.com/archive/items/show/31.


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