Letter from Ella Jackson to F.M. Tison accepting position (June 9, 1934)

Letter from teacher [Ella Jackson] to FM Tison accepting position - June 9, 1934.jpg

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Letter from Ella Jackson to F.M. Tison accepting position (June 9, 1934)


Ashburn, Ga.,
June 9, 1934

Mr. F.M. Tison
Ashburn, Ga.,

Dear Mr. Tison,

In reply to your letter, I appreciate having been reelected as teacher of the Second Grade of the Ashburn School and will accept the position for the following school year.

Yours truly,
Ella Jackson


June 9, 1934


“Letter from Ella Jackson to F.M. Tison accepting position (June 9, 1934),” Turner County Project Digital Archive Repository, accessed March 10, 2025, http://turnercountyproject.com/archive/items/show/32.


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