The mission of the Turner County Project is to illuminate our local community and cultural practices one photo, document, or interview at a time. To give a permanent presence for future historians, amateur or professional, no matter their interests.

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NAACP Presses for Court Action in Wright Shooting

The Wiregrass Farmer - November 21, 1985 - NAACP Presses for Court Action in Wright Shooting.jpg

"... the decision for a manslaughter ruling was a split decision but she would not elaborate on how the vote split nor on how each member of the jury…

November 12 Inquest to Decide How Prisoner Died Here

The Wiregrass Farmer - November 7, 1985 - November 12 Inquest to Decide How Prisoner Died Here.jpg

Dr. Reynolds will call Coroner's Jury

Perry Believes Wright Death Justifiable; NAACP Calls for Special Prosecutor

The Wiregrass Farmer - October 31, 1985 - Perry Believes Wright Death Justifiable.jpg

First article:
"Perry said Friday, based on the 100-page GBI report, that if the coroner's inquest, which will be conducted here by members of the…