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Georgia Magazine March 2025 - Cover.jpg
Animal-themed festivals offer visitors a great time while paying homage to highly esteemed critters in communities throughout the state. Here are a few festivals that celebrate our finned, feathered and four legged friends, plus a few other…

Fire Ant Festival - March 22, 2008 1.jpg
The theme that year was Ring of Fire Ants.

Fire Ant Festival - 1996.jpg
Pictured is Caroline Flake with her Ferret.

Fire Ant Festival Postcard - 1996 front.jpg
1996 1st Annual Wiregrass Festival (now known as the Fire Ant Festival) Postcard

March 20-24, 1996

tomato sandwich - Calhouns.jpg
Nothing quite like the southern delicacy of a tomato sandwich.

The perfect one has mayo, a good thick tomato slice, and salt & pepper! Do you make yours different?

75th Anniversary TC Coin front.jpg
Coins honoring the 75th anniversary of the creation of Turner County (August 1905).

1. Garrett Home
2. Garrett Saint Bernard, Ginger
3. Garrett Home
4. Elaine Mize Garrett
5. Garrett Home
6. William Cluria and Annie Bell (Sellars) Garrett's home. Railroad Ave. Sycamore.
7. Donald Garrett home, shared garage, my…

Grand Opening - Page 1.jpg

Tractor Silhouette.jpg
Location: Daniels Rd. In Ashburn, GA

Main STreet restoration.jpg
Sometimes you have to remove it all to build it back up.

The work being done to make the building in Main St is so exciting. Just removing the fallen-in door frames and fixing the roofs are making a difference!

Location: Main St in Ashburn,…

Piggly Wiggly Sunset.jpg
Location: Rogers Plaza facing West (S. Johnson St. and E. Monroe St. in Ashburn, GA)

Calhouns Cornmaze 2024.jpg
Every year, Calhoun Produce puts on a fall "Fun on the Farm" which includes an incredible Corn Maze. This year, they celebrated 150 years of State of Georgia Agriculture!

Location: 5075 Hawpond Rd, Ashburn, GA

TC Courthouse.jpg
One of the prettiest courthouses in South Georgia!
You cannot change our minds about that!

Location: 219 E College Ave, Ashburn, GA

Stock Yards.jpg
A Turner County Staple since the 1950s. When we interviewed Linda Wiggins Williford, she talked about her family’s extensive time involved with the TC stockyards. Check out her interview here:…

TC Jail.jpg
Location: 241 E College Ave in Ashburn, GA

Location: Forshee Rd. in Coverdale, GA

Golden Rod.jpg
Location: Rachel’s Rd. In Sycamore, GA

Hurricane Helene Safety.jpg
Luck. A blessing. Prayers answered.

Whatever you want to call it, Turner County survived Hurricane Helene relatively unscathed. Amidst all the surrounding devastation in Georgia, Florida, and the Carolinas, Turner County had minimal…
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