Browse Items (6 total)

Ashburn Public School - Budget 1935-1936.jpg
Board of Education:
G.C. Mckenzie, Pres.
Mrs. H.I. Shingler, Vice-Pres.
F.M. Tison, Sec.-Treas.
Mrs. V.A. North
E.W. Garner
J.R. Brown
J.S. North

signed by R.L. Todd Jr., Superintendent

1946 Apr 25 - LT. Ernest W Garner declared officially dead.jpg
"Altho hostilities of [World] War II has ceased, yet, the grim tragedies still goes on. This is impressed on Turner County's citizens this week more indelibly and forcibly when the news came to Ashburn last Thursday from the government to Mrs. E.W.…

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