Ashburn Bank Turner County Calendar

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Ashburn Bank Calendar - 2000 11.jpg
Ashburn Bank Calendar - 2000 12.jpg

Dublin Core


Ashburn Bank Turner County Calendar


In 2000, Celebrating 100 years of business, Ashburn Bank (now known as Colony Bank) produced keepsake calendar featuring prominent Turner County Landmarks drawn by Minnie G. Brown.

January - The original Ashburn Bank located on Washington Avenue.
February - The Ashburn Depot (no longer standing) but the foundation is located on Main Street.
March - Sparrow's Nest, original home of prominent citizen J.S. Shingler
April - The first Ashburn School located at College and Gilmore Street. The original building is no longer standing.
May - The House by the Road was once a tourist destination on Highway 41 in its prime.
June - The Tabernacle located at E Gordon St. and E. Madison Avenue.
July - The Thrasher house was located on Hudson Avenue (but no longer is located here.)
August - The Turner County Courthouse
September - The old Turner County jail.
October - Shingler Mule Barn
November - the McKenzie Building located on E. College Avenue (see TC Project post on current state and historical background:
December - The Second Ashburn Bank at the corner of College and Gordon St. It is currently the home of Coastal Plains.


Ashburn Bank




Ashburn Bank, “Ashburn Bank Turner County Calendar,” Turner County Project Digital Archive Repository, accessed March 7, 2025,


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