Object Lessons given for Georgia Farmers, c. 1915

Red Pebble Farm - Object Lesson given for Georgia Farmers - Atlanta Constitution 14 Feb 1915.JPG

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Object Lessons given for Georgia Farmers, c. 1915


Turner County Farm on Which 35,000 pounds of meat were raised last year.


"Red Pebble farm produced and saved approximately 35,000 pounds of meat, like that shown in the windows, during the year 1914. This meat was killed and placed in a large brick and cement refrigerator and allowed to remain there for about six weeks. It was then taken from the refrigerator and hung up in a smokehouse and thoroughly cured by smoking with sawdust and pine tops. Not a single pound of the entire 35,000 was lost on account of unfavorable weather conditions."
"Red Pebble farm is owned and operated by ex-State Senator J.S. Shingler, and comprises approximately 10,000 acres of the best farm land in Turner county.


The Atlanta Constitution


February 14, 1915


“Object Lessons given for Georgia Farmers, c. 1915,” Turner County Project Digital Archive Repository, accessed March 7, 2025, https://turnercountyproject.com/archive/items/show/294.


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