Portrait of Jack Marrell and wife

Jack Marrell and wife in front of the Turner County Courthouse.tif
Jack Marrell and wife in front of the Turner County Courthouse back.tif

Dublin Core


Portrait of Jack Marrell and wife


Photo taken at the Southwest corner of the Turner County Courthouse of Jack Marrell and his wife.
The wagon is selling Rawleigh Products: Medicines, Extracts, Spices, Soaps, Perfumes, Toilet Articles.

Ashburn First Baptist Church can be see in the far left of the photo behind the courthouse. Back of the photo has name of those in the portrait as well as T.T. Fillyaw.


“Portrait of Jack Marrell and wife,” Turner County Project Digital Archive Repository, accessed January 30, 2025, https://turnercountyproject.com/archive/items/show/393.


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