Perry Believes Wright Death Justifiable; NAACP Calls for Special Prosecutor

The Wiregrass Farmer - October 31, 1985 - Perry Believes Wright Death Justifiable.jpg
The Wiregrass Farmer - October 31, 1985 - NAACP Calls For Special Prosecutor.jpg

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Perry Believes Wright Death Justifiable; NAACP Calls for Special Prosecutor


First article:
"Perry said Friday, based on the 100-page GBI report, that if the coroner's inquest, which will be conducted here by members of the staff of The Doctor's Clinc [sic] in lieu of Coroner C.V. Perry and his assistant, results in a justifiable homicide decision and if there is no new evidence uncovered by the NAACP investigators, that he will not take the case to a grand jury."

Second article:
"Perry said the GBI report indicates that Ireland as 190 feet away and at the time he fired and was aiming at Wright's waist. But Emerson Henderson of Tifton, an attorney and a spokesman for the NAACP, said his investigation found four witnesses who said Ireland was closer than 190 feet and that it appeared that he could have apprehended Wright without firing a weapon."


The Wiregrass Farmer


October 31, 1985


“Perry Believes Wright Death Justifiable; NAACP Calls for Special Prosecutor,” Turner County Project Digital Archive Repository, accessed March 12, 2025,


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