J. Luther Hobby, Clarence Taylor, Annie Bell Sellars Garrett, Cluria Garrett.
Cluria frying mullet and hushpuppies on Saturday before the Reunion. Being ably supervised and assisted!" (This was taken under the overhang behind the old church…
"... the decision for a manslaughter ruling was a split decision but she would not elaborate on how the vote split nor on how each member of the jury had voted."
First article:
"Perry said Friday, based on the 100-page GBI report, that if the coroner's inquest, which will be conducted here by members of the staff of The Doctor's Clinc [sic] in lieu of Coroner C.V. Perry and his assistant, results in a…
Tan Cleghorn, accused of poisoning her fiance Minnie Marchman and killing her, was shot by her brother, W.J. Cochran. Tan received only a flesh wound with the bullet striking him in the thigh.
"Prompted by a Turner County incident, a House committee Tuesday approved a bill that spells out when a police officer can us 'deadly force' to apprehend a subject."