In reply to your letter, I appreciate having been reelected as teacher of the Second Grade of the Ashburn School and will accept the position for the following school…
I do not know what changes you are contemplating making in the ensuing school year, but if you are going to elect a new Superintendent or other teacher, I…
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Patrons of the Ashburn Colored School met on the above date for the purpose of electing a board of seven men to serve as members of the board, higest [highest] 4 for three years the next three for one year.
Meeting Minutes of the Board of Education for Ashburn Public Schools from March 9, 1932 with Chairman Gordon Columbus "G.C." McKenzie residing over the meeting. Discussion of the teacher salaries was the topic of the meeting. Teachers…
$10.00 check written to Mrs. Frank Marion "F.M." Tison (Pearl Perry Tison, 1879-1941) signed by Frank Marion "F.M." Tison, treasurer for the Turner County Schools.