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Deacon Kills a Deacon then Kills Himself - The Greenville News (SC) 27 Aug 1911 page 1.PNG
"R.G. Whidden [Whiddon], a well-to-do farmer and a church deacon, living near here, shot and killed J.M. Lawson, a neighbor and also a deacon, today at church on the Whidden [Whiddon] farm, and then committed suicide..."

A Fine Field of Cotton in Dixieland - Greetings from Ashburn, GA - 4233C postcard front.jpg

Writing inscription on the back:
Left for Florida on our birthday just entered to day, even through the Smoky Mts. today. heading for Miami tomorrow, will be back soon.
Your Friend, I.O.

Addressed to:

A Busy Day in a Cotton Field Down South - Greetings from Ashburn, GA - postcard front.jpg


Cotton Pickers at work in Dixieland - Greetings from Ashburn, GA - postcard front.tif
[editor's note: This postcard uses the language and depictions of the period to refer to African Americans.]

Negro Heben - A Watermelon Feast in Dixie - Greetings from Ashburn, GA - postcard front.tif
[editor's note: This postcard uses the language and depictions of the period to refer to African Americans.]

Hi, Gal!
We sho are having a good time and surly wish you could be with us.
We haven't had on a coat since we got here…

Turpentine Industry - A Scene at Clark_s Plantation, Ashburn, GA - postcard front.tif
Photo by U.S. Forest Service
A Scene at Clark's Plantation, Ashburn, GA.

This photo is of William Cluria "Curly" Garrett. He used to be the manager at the Ashburn Skating Rink in the 1950s. You can see Curly in front of the skate rack.

Crystal Lake - S-74704 - postcard front.tif

Crystal Lake - ICS-74705-3 - postcard front.tif
World's Finest Natural Fresh Water Beach, Near Ashburn, Fitzgerald, Ocilla, and Tifton, Georgia.

Crystal Lake - 78563-D - postcard front.tif

Location: Cravey Rd in Sycamore, GA

1945 Apr 12 WGF - Lawrence Hancock killed at Iwo Jima.jpg
Cpt. Lawrence Hancock was among the many thousands killed in Iwo Jima during the fierce fighting there. He was killed March 17 in action according to a telegram received from the War Department to his sister, Mrs. Estelle Hay.

Cpl. Hancock was…

Location: Coverdale Highway in Ashburn, GA

Location: Forshee Rd. in Coverdale, GA

Turner County Courthouse 2-T-187 postcard front.tif

Court House for New County - ATL Const 07 Apr 1907 page 3.jpg
page 3

"The contract for the building of a court house for Turner County was let to McKenzie & Sons, of Atlanta, Ga., today for the sum of $37,800. Contract is to be completed January 1, 1908."

Photos of Turner County Jail from National Register of Historic Places application.pdf
From Application:
"The Turner County jail was built in 1906 as the newly formed (1905) county's first jail. County records show the first order of business was issuing $60,000 in bonds for a jail and courthouse. The jail was designed by Wagoner &…

country breakfas.jpg
What is your go-to grits order? Are you a simple butter and salt kind of person, cheese, or do you want all the toppings in your grits?

Pictured: Grits with scrambled egg and cheese on top, biscuits and sausage gravy, and smoke sausage…

Shivers Rd. in Rebecca, Georgia

Cotton Book Calculator and Picking Record front of book.tif
Compliments of Woody Ansley
Seed- Feed - Fertilizer - Insecticides
Griffin Warehouse Seed Store
Ashburn, GA
Phone 95
Sycamore, GA
Phone 220

Location: Clements Chapel Rd. in Coverdale, Georgia
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