"In the past there have been two separate schools, we and they, black and white. In 1971 the two became one. This is our story: our triumphs and our failures, our good times and our bad times. TCHS 1971 OUR STORY..."
$10.00 check written to Mrs. Frank Marion "F.M." Tison (Pearl Perry Tison, 1879-1941) signed by Frank Marion "F.M." Tison, treasurer for the Turner County Schools.
'He was a man of great capabilities and of untiring loyalty to high principles. Georgia has had few men of such vision. He was a tower of strength among Georgia newspapermen, and was one we could ill-afford to lose." - J. Roy McGinty,…
STOP IN ASHBURN, GEORGIA At "The House by the Side of the Road." A Modern Tourist Home. Extreme north end of town. Spacious bungalow, shower baths, hot water heat in every room. All conveniences. LOCKED garages. A real southern home.…
A feature showcase on the Sparrow's Nest, home built by town pioneer James Simon Shingler in 1895. The images featured in the article discuss the unique features such as the intricate woodwork, the painted ceilings, and the yard ornaments.
"Prompted by a Turner County incident, a House committee Tuesday approved a bill that spells out when a police officer can us 'deadly force' to apprehend a subject."
"... the decision for a manslaughter ruling was a split decision but she would not elaborate on how the vote split nor on how each member of the jury had voted."