"My grandfather - James Simon Shingler on front seat white hat - My father on 2nd row white hat black band - Clinton Felder Shingler - my uncle Bob - little boy on 2nd row - My Uncle Herbert standing on 2nd row white…
Location: 765 N Main St. in Ashburn, Georgia
Date: February 20, 2021
This home, sometimes known as the McKenzie Home or one of the Shingler homes, was built for Clyde Shingler McKenzie by her father J.S.…
The Sparrow's Nest was built in 1892, not 1888. The Shinglers were living in an abandoned one-room schoolhouse in 1888 with one-year-old Beverly Clyde born in Eastman in 1897. Mr. JS Betts built his home in 1892 coming to town from Wanee Lake…
"When Turner county was firm formed it was to be called Henderson county... He was a good citizen, devoted father and husband, Christian hearted neighbor and a very useful man in the community in his day and time."